Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thanksgiving and Aunt Diane's visit

This past weekend my Aunt Diane came to visit me. She did a tour around Morocco and went to all the famous cities like Marrakesh, Fes, and she visited the High Atlas Mountains before ending her trip in Rabat with me. This past Thursday was also Thanksgiving, which turned out really good despite our worries that we wouldn’t get a real Thanksgiving dinner.

My friends and I ended up going to the American Embassy in Rabat for Thanksgiving dinner, which turned out to be wonderful and delicious. Everything was imported from the United States, so it turned out really authentic and American and perfect. Down to the pecan and pumpkin pie. So that was amazing, and it made us all a little homesick sharing Thanksgiving stories.

The next day my Aunt Diane got to Rabat, so some of my friends and I went and found her at her hotel and took her out to a café. During the weekend we ended up doing a lot – we saw the mausoleum, some Roman ruins in Rabat, went to my favorite Syrian food restaurant, ate with my host family, saw the beach, went to some cafés, and just generally did a lot of walking around and catching up. It was so good seeing her and hearing about everyone at home. She was also the first person of any of my family or friends from home that I’ve seen the whole time I’ve been here. The combination of Thanksgiving, her visit, and us having only one month left here made me super homesick. But, nevertheless, it was awesome getting to be kind of a guide and getting to show her around Rabat.

So anyways, shoutout to Diane. It was so good to see you, and I’m glad you enjoyed your trip! Also, thank you SO MUCH for the peanut butter. I was eating it straight out of the jar this morning and nothing has ever tasted better.

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